Friday, 16 May 2014

A thank you

I am self-aware enough to know it can be a bit of a bore
When I’m unsure and feeling mentally sore
It’s a chore I know to put up with the downs
And the frowns and the constant go-rounds of me
When I’m not free of the psychological debris
That’s like a dog with a bone and I moan
And I moan
And I moan
But you see - you are here, abating my fear and I’m no longer One but We.

And when I am MAD
Or even BAD – you still care
Do you know that’s incredibly rare?
I’d go so far as to say, in your words; it is RAD.
When I am scared or unprepared or waking up shouting
From a nightmare – oh look! – You are there.

Being is hard
When there’s that sharp pointy shard
Of dark matter running through
Seemingly stuck with superglue, but you!
You soften the edges and make me feel new.

This is a mere gesture but I want you to know
I understand the pressure of caring for one so frequently undone
By a brain, quite insane, almost going down the drain,
So please know I am grateful
And it feels well, fateful that I’m part of your life
Your soon to be wife, in trouble and strife
And I am here, my dear, for you as well
In life’s heaven and hell, or the something in-between.

We are seen at our best and our worst by those who care the most
And we, you and me, will face down the ghosts
From our past and our present;
The ghasts of the night we’ll chase into the light
Come the dawn – reborn,
To try
And try
And try again
With a gentle holding of hands
And a kiss – oh the bliss -
That you understand.


  1. Oh...
    Oh, that is so very bloody special.
    Well done, you.

    1. Thank you, Jan. I have finally put the insomnia to good use!
